Wind Turbine Inspections

Experience Less Downtime and Greater Detail

Collect Data 15x Faster
Using Drones

45 min

per wind turbine


lower inspection costs

Drones in the Wind Industry

Perform blade inspections in a fraction of the time. Reduce risk, identify issues that cause under-performance, and potentially prevent catastrophic failures and significant downtime. We operate in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

Blade Erosion

Identify Leading Edge Erosion

Asset Transfer

Gain Insights Prior to Ownership Transfer


Locate Damage Down to One Millimetre


Logistics Planning, Progress Reports


Post-Storm Inspections to Locate Damage


Visual Records of Damage and Repairs

Efficient Flight Paths

Specialised flight automation software allows us to automate the intricate flight paths needed to perform quick and uniform wind turbine inspections. View the blade tips, base, hub, and nacelle from every angle.